The show begins with Paul sharing his plans for this podcast with his wife. Together they consider the implications of being open and honest about Paul’s experiences and beliefs. Paul gives a quick peek into the team’s first meeting at the Seward Cafe in Minneapolis, introducing Kevin, Adam, and Mike to the show. Finally, the show’s genesis is explained: helping the global community of CE5 initiative followers make contact, engage more openly with their communities, and organize field research teams.

Music from the episode is from Rhymesayers Entertainment, an independent hip hop label based in Minneapolis. We believe in holding up examples of good people in good companies and hope you will support them as we seek and support more pillars in the community that you can trust.

Special thanks to Leon J at Slam Academy, for the help utilizing Ableton Live for producing this podcast.

More info about CE-5 protocols can be found at CSETI or at Sirius Disclosure.

Go to iTunes to submit questions on the customer review page to be asked to Dr Greer when Paul attends the ambassador training in California in April.

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